Shattuck Public Library provides the residents of Shattuck and the surrounding area with a tremendous resource. Shattuck Public Library is more than able to meet the needs of the community. In addition to utilizing the inter-library loan program we have eBooks and audiobooks on our virtual library @http://okvirtuallibrary.lib.overdrive.com.

Shattuck Public Library is pleased to offer coffee/hot chocolate and tea from our coffee bar, we have internet access, and are a Wi-Fi Hotspot.
Through the school year the library has a weekly Children's Story Time. It is for children ages 0-4 and is held on Wednesday 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. The program consists of songs, stories and a small craft element.
The Summer Reading Program will be held in the weeks of June.
The Friends of the Shattuck Library purchased an e-Image Data ScanPro 1000 Digital Film Scanner through fund raisers and it is installed and ready to be used. We have the local newspapers starting from 1905 on microfilm.
101 S Main
Shattuck, OK 73858
Phone: (580) 938-5104
Fax: (580) 938-5013
Opening Hours
Monday- Thursday 10:00am to 5:30pm